science of good life®
Andreas Wieser’s personal science programme science of good life is in principle a new strategic approach for the global development in the important core competences health, medicine, new consciousness and social evaluation.
Life is defined by Wieser as “being being” and expands thereby the picture of the holistic nature of the human and the term of constant emergence and complexity. Thereby the humanistic view is no static cognitive element of evolution that is promoted through auto poetic processing occurrences.
The networking tendencies will also have a significant influence on health and medicine around the globe. Thereby health and medicine have to react to the current social developments. What this means for the unique case of humans and companies is the research area of Andrea Wieser.
This new thinking concept mirrors in attractive offers such as “energy health”, “vital living”, “health & healing” and many other highly developed programmes.
* “Skills, to maintain, change and renew you”.